Non-Profit Cancer Organization

Dehestani Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that offers assistance to cancer patients who cannot afford the cost of care and medications or need consultation or awareness about new treatments and medication. Our cancer treatment foundation runs with donations that patrons like you make.

dehestani foundation
Helping You Fight

Our Goal is to Assist Cancer Patients, Especially the Elderly, With Financial Assistance and Individualized Care. 

dehestani foundation

Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization formed by an extended group of friends, all of who have lost a mother, father, brother, sister, or a child to cancer. Each one of us has spent months, if not years, accompanying a loved one to hospitals. We have witnessed firsthand the pain and suffering that cancer patients go through each day.

Cancer takes a toll. It causes mental and physical damage to its victims and their families. It creates deep financial burdens. Treating cancer is extremely costly, especially for those who cannot afford it or do not have a great insurance plan.

dehestani foundation
dehestani foundation

How We Help

We aim to assist cancer patients, especially the elderly, who cannot afford their treatments. We are able to do this with the donations that we receive from you. You can either donate one time or regularly. We assure you that your money is being used to help the disadvantaged and deserving in their fight against this deadly disease.

dehestani foundation
dehestani foundation

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist all cancer patients, especially the elderly from low socioeconomic status, by way of

  • Financial Assistance
  • Individualized Care
  • Library of Information
dehestani foundation
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